Honesty Floral Wallpaper

(10 customer reviews)

SKU: 30828401 Category:


Styled with a pretty floral design, the Honesty wallpaper will bring a calm and tranquil feel to any space. Perfect for giving your room a quick décor refresh, this wallpaper features a smooth finish with matt inks and pearlescent highlights.For more information on applying your wallpaper, take a look at our handy [ wallpaper buying guide.]( https://www.dunelm.com/info/buying-guides/wallpaper-buying-guide#apply-paste-the-paper-and-wall )For details on how to hang our wallpaper, take a look at our guide! [Click here.](https://www.dunelm.com/info/buying-guides/how-to-hang-wallpaper) Each sample is A4 sized and is for colour and paper quality reference only, you will not see the full design/pattern repeat in the swatch.